In March a Bill was signed into Law.
Here is the transcript of my 3 minutes in politics:

Chair Beyer, Vice-Chair Boquist and members of the committee: for the record my name is Cheryl Chambers. Thank you for this opportunity to discuss HB 4021 and the potential to make a difference. As a Realtor I was able to witness how the current ORS 311.686 wording affected two senior women.

Velma signed up for the Senior/Disabled property tax deferral program when her husband passed away some years ago. Now in her 80’s, unable to drive, it was time to sell her home. As the sale was about to close, she learned that from Sept 1 until November 15the DOR would not accept property tax payments therefore, would not release the encumbrance on the title. We were trying to close the first week of September and facing the maximum 10 weeks until the title would be released.

JoAnne, the buyer and senior herself, would have no part in purchasing a home and not receiving the title.

For Velma this would mean financial hardship maintaining 2 homes for as much as 3 months or more.

I believe JoAnne was in a similar financial situation after walking away from another home purchase due to maintenance issues, she too was running out of time and money and patience. JoAnne really had no choice but to accept the situation and trust all parties involved. This caused her much stress over the weeks until the taxes were paid and she imposed her stress on others.

The DOR estimates about 2 Oregonians fall into this window of time each year and I imagine experiencing similar anxiety.

I never imagined when I reached Julie Fahey’s office a correction was possible.
I understand the DOR and Representative Fahey have come together and are proposing an ordinance change. It was a timing problem having to do with the certification of taxes. This change will give the DOJ a 2-week window to reconcile the differences rather than a 10-week window.

I hope you see that this small change can make a big difference in the lives of the seniors that need to take advantage of this great tax deferral program and vote to turn this bill into law.

Alder House Project

Hybrid’s Alder House is a 9-unit complex that was purchased, renovated and fully furnished by Hybrid Real Estate Agents, along with owners Kelly and Bryan Ranstad, fulfilling Hybrid Real Estate’s mission to provide housing for local homeless youth being served by Looking Glass Community Services.

Alder House, a one-minute snapshot of my emotion over homeless kids
Alder House Looking Glass, a three-minute clip with the boy that found his way to the apartment I sponsored

To learn more and support this program, visit

New team member!

I would like to introduce to you my transaction coordinator, Ann Yerkes. I have known her since I was 8 years old (I won’t tell you how long that has been)! Ann brings a banking background and humor to everything she does. She manages to keep our transactions on track and moving ahead smoothly. Thank you! I have, and continue to, enjoy working together!